Four Uncomfortable Things You May Experience When You Finally Get Sober

How I’ve dealt with them may help you too.

Kinley Slayed
7 min readJun 14, 2022
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The decision to eliminate alcohol from my life has been a bumpy road. I do great and then I slip. I get back on the wagon and fall off again.

One think I know for sure, is surrounding myself with a sober community this time has helped more than I expected. I thought I would feel so out of place. So judged.

But, beginning addiction counseling and talking things out, I realize I’m in the perfect company. There is always someone who did something more outrageous or stupid than me.

I think I failed the first few times because I really didn’t know what to expect. After pouring copious amounts of poison down my throat for years, I had to learn to live without doing that.

Following are some things I’m learning how to deal with on a sober level.

Maybe you can relate.

Social Awkwardness

If you were the life of the party, the center of attention, the class clown in most situations, you may feel a little awkward at first without your liquid courage.

Even if you weren’t any of those things and were just an alcoholic wall-flower, existing without…



Kinley Slayed

Writer, photographer, poet, musician, cat lover, survivor. Taking it one day at a time.