No Alcohol November ~ Day Eight

Four Physical Characteristics of Alcoholism and Addiction

You may think people don’t know, but some physical signs will betray your secrets.

Kinley Slayed
5 min readNov 8, 2022


Photo by Author

My no-nonsense counselor told me I’m not a “high-functioning alcoholic,” as I like to joke.

I’m just an employed drunk.

She could tell I was drinking again. Not because she could smell it but because of the way I looked.

My darkened, glassy eyes. My puffy face. The recent weight gain that I couldn’t hide anymore.

She asked me if I was drinking again, and I told her, “no.”

She sat staring at me in silence.

I knew she knew.

It is awkward and unsettling to be caught in a lie. I felt like a hypocrite, a phony, a fake, a weak idiot.

The pit in my stomach was a good sign that maybe my moral compass wasn’t completely broken, and maybe I still cared.

I don’t honestly know if the way I was feeling was shame or anxiety.

Shame because I knew she knew I was lying, and I would have to fess up to my failure.



Kinley Slayed

Writer, photographer, poet, musician, cat lover, survivor. Taking it one day at a time.