No Alcohol November ~ Day Six

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late!

The downhill slide could be shockingly fast!

Kinley Slayed
2 min readNov 6, 2022


Created in Canva by Author

I’ve lost several friends and family members who seemed healthy one day and the next received fatal news and then they were gone.

None of them were healthy. Every single one of them had an addiction or affliction of some sort, of their own doing.

The best analogy of alcoholism I’ve read so far is by Anne Grace in her book This Naked Mind. Anne describes alcoholism like being in a Venus Fly Trap hanging onto the edge lured in deeper and deeper.

We believe we have plenty of time, right?

After all, have you ever watched one of those things? They move disappointingly slow.

Much like the fruity sweet scent the the fly trap emits to attract the fly, the poisonous ingredients in alcohol beckon those of us who can’t resist it.

We get comfortable in our little alcohol trap, and while hanging out in there, the opening is slowing closing.

And it’s sticky.

Once you’re down in there good, the opening may still have room to escape, but your stuck.

Or just complacent.



Kinley Slayed
Kinley Slayed

Written by Kinley Slayed

Writer, photographer, poet, musician, cat lover, survivor. Taking it one day at a time.

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